Friday, August 7, 2015


So, further proof that the Selfie Generation ™ is destined for worldwide destruction or something; I have reached the point where simply fucking around on the internet is no longer enough to occupy me. I do this thing where I have a Main Browser Window for me to do all my Interneting, and then a small Safari window off to the right side so I can watch Netflix so I won’t be bored during all of my Internet Misadventures. The problem** is, this limits me to a VERY limited range of media because it needs to be watchable without requiring more than 26% of my attention at a given time (ie; The Office, US Version).

**disclaimer: I realize there are a lot of problems with this.

So anyway, that’s the long explanation for why I felt guilty for depriving Michael Scott & Co of my full attention, and decided to rewatch the first season ... while actually like, watching it. And I made the startling realization that the first season of The Office has this really remarkable, hyper-realistic aesthetic that got lost along the way as the show grew into this Thursday-night-comedy-juggernaut (and the increase in budget that came with it).

Something about the low-budget, unpolished production design led to these small moments of beauty in a show that wasn't quite aware of what it would become. Sitcoms aren't really thought of as being artistic, so I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the unexpected beauty of The Office:

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