Tuesday, August 9, 2016


It is deep August so obviously it's a good time to lust over some sweaters. I saw Sing Street in theaters earlier this year immediately knew I wanted to cap it - everything looks so cozy! (And it's a super sweet coming of age story as well.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Brief film history lesson: Jesus Franco was a Spanish director who, despite his ridiculously prolific career (he directed about 160 films over 50 years), has remained a largely fringe figure in cinematic history. Well, that might be fair - to quote (the Jesus Franco wikipedia article, obv, this isn’t academia folks) “Franco’s themes often revolved around lesbian vampires, women in prison, surgical horror, sadomasochism, zombies, and sexploitation”. But what’s a well rounded film diet without some B cinema from time to time?

Regardless of where you stand on his filmography content wise (personally, he had me at “lesbian vampires”), his work is undeniably and exquisitely beautiful. His films are dreamy and haunting, almost other worldly… a world where it’s perfectly acceptable to lounge around listening to a jazz band in a fur coat in lingerie… or plotting your revenge while wearing a plunging velvet two-piece suit.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

BRING IT ON (2000)

The film that made being head cheerleader seem like the most glam thing in the world,
that taught preteens valuable lessons about cultural appropriation 7 years before tumblr existed,
that launched one of the biggest teen franchises of all time...

Anyway: In continuing the theme of me being Perpetually Stuck in The 2000s (THEY'RE COMING BACK!!!!! sign number one is this retro commercial that Motorola released that may or may not be legitimate but nevertheless proves that we are trapped in a cyclical fashion cycle and the Oughties R Here 2 Stay) I rewatched one of my fave teen films of all time. And it is SUCH a great time capsule of fashion at the time, but what stood out to me wasn't the clothes...

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


invariably, most of my favorite films deal with this question in some fashion. (Hey, a girl's gotta have her niche). And it's impossible to miss a film as dreamy/moody as this. THE FALLING is a beautifully and eerily atmospheric piece about the magic of girlhood... but of course, not all magic is benevolent

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


I swear I will get off this nostalgia kick soon - but after making the life-changing discovery that Disney has all of the episodes of National Treasure Lizzie McGuire available online (link for the lazy), I spent a solid few days diving into one of my most formative influences. So many hours spent trying to Get the Lizzie Look at Limited Too. So many inaccurate assumptions about studying abroad in Italy. So many metallics and synthetic fibers. So, so glorious.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


A friend had a 2000s themed party this weekend (because I guess that's a Party Theme, onward rolls the unrelenting wheel of time, etc.) and as a result, I fell down the rabbit hole of mid-2000s teen comedies for sartorial inspiration. I am so, so, so ready for the inevitable resurgence of oughties fashion in 5 - 10 years.

And so, as a time capsule of the height of teen fashion in 2004, let's take a moment to celebrate the unexpected beauty of Sleepover.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Sometimes it's easy to look at the costumes of a film analytically and determine exactly how the choices are working to build chacterization visually, or how specific costumes relate to a character's emotional arc.... and sometimes it might just be looking at pretty clothes. Poison For The Fairies falls into the latter for me - if there's a significant subtext to the costumes, I'm not picking up on it. You could probably work and angle on the contrast between the brightly colored, girlishly innocent visuals and the darker thematic elements of the script, but I don't know if there's enough of a conscious effort to make that argument. For me, you don't always need a ton of hidden meaning to validate and aesthetic choice. Sometimes it's okay to be pretty for the sake of being pretty.

Um, enough pontificating - Poison For The Fairies is super pretty, let's celebrate that:

Friday, February 5, 2016


This film was a really lovely surprise for me. I was initially super skeeved out by the whole "teenager having a sexual relationship with her mother's boyfriend" thing but watching it play out on screen, I felt that the film was able to tackle a really unhealthy dynamic in an honest way without exploiting Minnie's character. It's also really refreshing to see a filmmaker willing to start a dialogue about the fact that sex isn't always healthy or enjoyable... maybe "refreshing" isn't the right word but it was so interesting to see someone tackle the uncomfortable areas of sexuality in today's environment of sex positivity. 

ALSO like, the clothes. The costumes hit that sweet spot of being recognizably authentic to the time period without screaming THIS IS A COSTUME FROM THE 70s!! I've talked about that before and that kind of subtlety always gives an edge to a film. Diary of a Teenage Girl is a really beautiful film - there's a dreamy, film-like aesthetic that complement Minnie's character journal perfectly. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016


In case you’ve been hiding under an internet-rock, the 2016 Oscar noms were announced today THEREFORE I’m gonna talk about my favorite category - Costume Design.

The rest of the categories aside because lol academy, I'm incredibly excited about the costume nominations this year. (I'm a bit sad that Brooklyn didn't make the cut, but it was probably too similar to Carol?) Overall - what a fantastic lineup! Very strong competition this year. For the first time in a while, I would be genuinely happy to see any of these films. In an ideal world, Jenny Beavan would win for Fury Road (my top pick) but if I were a betting woman, I'd go with The Danish Girl.

Anyway, more thoughts:

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I get asked for movie recommendations all the time and decided to start actively compiling lists of films that I love For Reference Purposes. Each month of 2016, I will select a different theme. 

January 2016:
a list of debut films